Hotline: +43 1 35 35 444

Our Services

Technology brand manufacturers rely on us, contact us and start a corporation fulfilling your demands legally compliant and trustworthy.

We provide Certification, Registration and Logistic - Service for the following IT- Products


Who are we?


MT-Tech is your reliable business partner for safe and legal regulatory product certification, registration and logistic services in many countries.


Administration Address

Administration (No deliveries):

MT-Tech GmbH

Hegergasse 7/16

A-1030 Vienna

Austria / Europe

Warehouse Address

All deliveries of goods & mail:

MT-Tech GmbH

Willersdorf 1

A-7432 Oberschuetzen

Austria / Europe


 Tel: +43 1 35 35 444

 Fax: +43 1 35 35 444 - 99

 E-Mail: office (@)

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