Please click the Link and submit us the complete form [Click]
Please send all shipments to the following address:
Recipient Company Name: MT-Tech GmbH
Address: Willersdorf 1
ZIP code: 7432
Town: Oberschuetzen
Country: Austria / Europe
Contact Person: Marcus Toepfer
Phone: +43 1 35 35 444
For customs purpose please add our data to the invoice:
Vat- ID: ATU69814203
EORI: ATEOS1000070069
- A Test Sample needs to be in fully working and clean condition incl. all required accessoires to power it up
- The packaging needs to prevent a test sample from damages during transport
- Each sample needs to be in a separate box and labeled with SKU (if available), Project RMN, Product Marketing Name, CoO, Project Target Country. You may consolidate the boxes together in a bigger box
- Use our Test Sample Invoice Template or a similiar own version [Download]
- Use always correct commercial values for products, a quote per product and a total per product is required
- The invoice needs to show the quantity per product. Each product has to be a separate position within the invoice. Add shipping fee (freight costs) as separte value to the invoice and summarize the grand total
- The product description needs to show an full marketing name (MMN) on the invoice
- Each product needs to have a general description like General Description: AccessPoint or Printer on the invoice
- Add correct EU- HTS code per product line to the invoice
- The invoice needs to be stamped and signed using blue ink
- Please add a responsible contact person incl. E-Mailaddress to the invoice
- Please send us a shipping notification when dispatched using this link [Click]